Lateral Wiki – A Digital Garden

Related to the [[mind-body problem]], the limits of enquiry and cognitive closure.

I believe that I am a mysterianist (as of 2022-03), partly because of [[../../www/Gödel]], and partly because although not a misanthrope, I often hold humans in relatively low regard. But only as it relates to the cosmos in it's whole. Taken in moderation and seen in relation only to themselves, humans are doubleplus good ok.

[[../../www/t.humans are interesting because you can just barely understand them]]

And because of that it can seem that [[../../www/humans are automatons]]. It's a paradox; on the one hand we seem so simple that we believe ourselves to be causal loops, machines. On the other hand the recursion runs deep enough that we cannot fathom our selves,and because of that [[../../www/t.humans are interesting because you can just barely understand them]]...

via:: [[../../www/Theories of Everything - Donald Hoffman and Joscha Bach]]
